Leather for Pipe Organs CLICK ON AN OVAL BOX BELOW TO VIEW/SAVE 💾 CONTENT “Leather for Pipe Organs”is a website with information important for the selection and testing of leather for use in applications requiring extreme longevity. Introduction A summary of “Aging of Organ Leather” by K. Donmez & H. V. Piltingsrud “The Aging of Organ Leather”by H. V. Piltingsrud & J. J. TancousInternational Society of Organbuilders Yearbook (1992) A summary of “Atmospheric Pollution and the Deterioration of Leather” by K. Donmez & H. V. Pitingsrud “Atmospheric Pollution and the Deterioration of Leather” by H. V. Piltingsrud & K. DonmezJournal of the Society of Leather Technologists and Chemists (2022) A Summary of “Accelerated Aging of Leather” by K. Donmez & H. V. Piltingsrud “Accelerated Aging of Leather”by H. V. Piltingsrud & K. Donmez About the Authors of these Papers